VIDEO: Diagnosis? Prognosis?

What is a diagnosis? Most of us believe it is something that will help us get better. Yet the stark reality is - diagnosis and treatment rarely heal us. Either we contract the infection again - or we find out we have a ‘forever’ disease. So why can’t the doctors cure us? Is it time to question medicine’s method?

Diagnosis only labels your condition and guides the doctor in choosing a treatment. There are only two outcomes of diagnosis: it’s either curable, often involving a cycle of medications, or it's incurable, which presents a more grim outlook. This leads to a prognosis—a prediction about your future. But what if there’s a different perspective? Instead of accepting a perpetual cycle of disease, Deborah Manners offers an alternative view: one that casts doubt on medicine's method. Because now there is good evidence that many health issues stem from toxins in common foods. And these are easy to avoid.

Deborah Manners

Deborah Manners is a food intolerance and food toxins specialist. Her extensive research of the medical literature has revealed the vital role of toxins in serious ‘forever’ diseases. Food toxins include caseins, glutens, phytates, alkaloids and others. But there were so many links between toxins and diseases - it led to a whole new perspective on sickness. Manners-Xenos Theory is explained in simple terms in her book UNRAVELLING THE MYSTERY OF DISEASE. Surprisingly her work has also exposed the flaws in medical diagnosis which only lead patients deeper into disease. Since 2003 the Food Intolerance Institute has helped thousands to recover from illness by avoiding food toxins.

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