Food toxins specialist, thought leader - nutrition and disease.

Deborah Manners BSc(Hons)DipEd

Deborah Manners Deborah Manners

The latest on dementia and the effects of gluten

When you don’t know what’s going on - you feel frightened. Dementia is devastating. But clinical studies now implicate food toxins in the formation brain plaques. Studies have shown that avoiding those foods (a low toxin diet) can arrest disease progress - and help prevent further damage … so why do we still turn to drugs?

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  • Book, 'Unravelling the Mystery of Disease', paperback

    Book, 'Unravelling the Mystery of Disease'
  • 'Unravelling the Mystery of Disease', ebook and Kindle

    Unravelling the Mystery of Disease
  • Video: 'Unravelling the Mystery of Disease'

    Video: 'Unravelling the Mystery of Disease'